MT on Twitter: The ever-evolving social medium

Twitter evolves more quickly than other social media because of its users. Rather than relying on programmers to tweak features, users create their own languages, cultures, and uses for the malleable medium. Witness the advent of MT to signify a retweet that has been...

@mentions and cc: Other ways to engage on Twitter

Think of @mentions and cc as ways of snagging attention on Twitter. They serve the same purpose as a “carbon copy” on e-mails: You are want to make sure certain people are aware of the information/thought in the tweet, even if the message is not directly...

Curating the future

So the last two years of social media behavior has increased the buzz-worthiness of the curation concept. To curate is to organize and preserve for presentation. Social media curating is to organize online behaviors in specific social spaces with the intent to craft a...