Facebook boost button

On the popular social media platform, Facebook, businesses have the opportunity to boost a post in order to promote themselves or their products. This means that after creating a post, they can pay money to Facebook to have their post displayed more times in more places in an effort to grow the business page’s audience. Organizations should not dismiss this option as an ineffective waste of money. Statistics have recently proven that Facebook advertising is thriving, not dying.

According to Facebook’s Help Center, a boosted post has the following features:

  • Allowing you to specify your targeted audience
  • Placing your boosted post in several different locations throughout Facebook
  • Gives you the ability to customize your boost amount based on your marketing budget
  • Customize the length of time for which your post will remain boosted
  • Access to post analytics and insights

But before you start boosting your posts, make sure that you do it in the most beneficial way for your business. 

Before boosting a post:

Facebook marketing

Facebook marketing

  1. Make sure that you have a strategy and goal in place. According to KO Marketing, potential reasons to boost a post include:
    1. Increase brand awareness
    2. Increase brand engagement (likes, comments, shares, link clicks, etc.)
    3. Boosting website traffic
    4. Promoting new content, products, or blog posts
  2. Decide the demographics and geographic location that makes sense for your targeted audience.
    1. Facebook gives you the opportunity to create your own audience – do your research and take advantage!
  3. Determine a marketing budget for your posts, but be flexible! For example, if you see that a particular post is doing extremely well with a smaller boost, consider boosting it more.

Watch this video to learn more tips and how to create a successful boosted post:

Facebook Informational: “Boost post”

Facebook analytics

Facebook insights

During and after your boosted post:

  1. Check your analytics and insights constantly! These will tell you whether or not your boosted post is successful compared to your organic posts. If a post is not successful, look at your most successful post and research why it did better. Did you use a high-resolution image or video? Was your content error-free? How relevant was your post to the reached audience?
  2. Do some research on other, similar businesses. Look at their Facebook pages and try to decide the quality, quantity, and marketed amount for their posts. Ask to see if they’ll tell you how they utilize boosted posts and compare to your strategies. There are plenty of blog posts that share recent success stories about boosted posts.


Facebook is a unique marketing tool that is already meeting people where they are. It could be a mistake to not utilize this tool for the promotion of your business’ brand and products. When looking at your marketing and social media strategy, you shouldn’t count Facebook out. But before posting and boosting, do your research. The most important thing is to make sure you understand how you are planning to utilize this platform and being able to read the analytics and insights afterward.

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