As I lie in bed browsing through Instagram on my phone I can’t help but feel slightly guilty for eating a plate of chocolate chip cookies for dessert; crumbs accumulating in a nice little mound on my chest. By choice, most of the profiles I follow are fitness- related in some form whether that’s clean-eating recipes, dynamic exercise videos or just pictures of other fit women showing off the latest gym athleisure trends. Social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest have become a hotspot for both men and women to nurture their fitness interests and educate themselves. However, when do the hours of scrolling through fitness ‘goals’ profiles start to hinder your opinion of your body image? 

Female teen looking in a mirror

Social media may warp our reflections.

Social Media and Body Image

Much thanks to the ever-evolving technologies of social media, users are now able to connect with others around the globe by simply subscribing to their accounts with a ‘follow.’ This is seen as a positive for business owners and brand ambassadors who established their careers online. Author Eric C. Stevens states roughly 86% of the young U.S. adult population have at least one social media profile. Millennials and Generation Z users (ages 18-29) are extremely impressionable which creates opportunities for online fitness influencers to leave their mark; cultivating a massive following.

Negative Connotations

When it comes to fitness accounts, users follow pages for inspiration, education, and motivation to pursue their personal health and wellness goals. Unfortunately, there are downsides to relying heavily on such platforms. CrewTube lists various reasons as to why fitness gurus and nutritional advice from media outlets may not be your best bet:

  • Fad diets– many female fitness bloggers encourage ultra-low calorie intakes (1200-1500 calories per day) Doing this long-term can damage your thyroid function and actually increase fat gain!
  • Perfectionist mentalities– social media subscribers see these bloggers putting their best…well…..body forward and forget they are human too! Photoshop is a real thing people!
  • Performance- enhancing drug use – Male fitness bloggers don’t have to explain the truth behind their success to the public. Steroid use is very popular for the ‘gains’ in male enhancement.

A friendly reminder

The road to the best version of yourself is not a five minute walk, rather, a ten day road trip! Remember to see the beauty in the journey because that will allow your final destination to have a spectacular view! Yes, it’s not illegal to look at others for advice and positive reinforcement but remember that those you see online are making money off of others like YOU watching their every move.





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