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Social Media connects people from across the globe. Whether it’s Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or Snapchat, with just a tap on an app, we may be instantly connected.



Closer together

Many of us do not live in close geographical proximity to our family members. With social media, families can virtually be closer than ever. Social media connects military families, grandparents and grandchildren, and college students who may be missing their mom on a lonely Friday night. The opportunities are limitless to connect with family across the globe.

iphone on twitter



Making the unknown famous

Social media can take an average Joe or Jane and make them a viral sensation in a matter of minutes. A short video or photo can be shared millions of times, creating instant fame. The yodeling Walmart boy, for example, is now preparing to debut an album thanks to the support of his fans on social media.


A voice to the voiceless

We are in a unique generation, where we can be connected with one another through a simple hashtag. The #MeToo movement is a prime example of how social media crosses communication and cultural barriers to connect us all.

Cell phone on instagram

Activists like Shaun King use social media as their primary mode of communication to reach a worldwide audience.

Many people create campaigns and raise money for specific causes on social media. Mari Copeny, aka Little Miss Flint, has been successfully selling shirts to raise money to help her community get clean water.


No matter what you use your social media for, you are apart of a global network unlike any ever before.


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