Spayce logoAccording to a recent study by Pew Research, Facebook ranks highest among users on all social networking apps. But with a new social networking tool due to launch in early 2014, will the future of social networking change?

Spayce is a new social networking app developed by Harvard senior Patrick Colangelo. The app seeks to combine features from numerous social networking sites including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat into one application. Spayce is being referred to as an “in-person” app that allows you to connect with individuals in the same space.

Using advanced location settings and facial recognition technology, Spayce is able to transfer a room filled with individuals within a 100 meter radius onto your phone. Users will be able to view individuals personal or professional profiles and connect with these individuals instantly.

Colangelo described his creation this way in an interview with USA Today:

It redefines socially how to meet people. It basically gives someone a non-awkward way to meet someone who they haven’t met before.

Personal profiles will allow users to describe themselves using a limited number of adjectives, update their relationship status and share pictures. Professional profiles are similar but are occupation focused and allow you to include industries you are associated with.

The application will create “memories” through features such as text, pictures, audio and videos which can then be  shared on your memories feed, but are erased after about two hours.

According to a review in Pew Research:

Social networking tools and other apps allow people to maintain bigger social networks and allow people to learn more about those in their networks. Richer social relations emerge from this greater social awareness. 

The recently released Spayce ad describes the new application and how it can be used.

Spayce – The In Person Social Network from SHOT & CUT on Vimeo.

There is currently a waiting list for Spayce. By going to the Spayce website you can sign up to be added to the list and join the network when it becomes available.

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